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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Table Runner

Today I started a Table runner for my Niece’s birthday. I'm using a 5/2 cotton perle 12 epi in a 12 dent reed. It is 22” wide and 80” long with 3” of fringe and beads at each end.The other day I was browsing through some of my favorite blogs and came across a draft that I found on Susan Harvey’s blog “Thrums” at http://weeverwoman.blogspot.com/  that was made into some beautiful scarf’s that had a iridescence look. I fell in love with the draft and made some changes to suit what I needed it to look like and size.  Here is a picture of the yarns I am using. The warp is the darker Gold color and the weft is the creamy Gold color. Also, I am practicing taking pictures of my textiles so I can have some experience  before the Escondido Art Partnership show. You have to send in pictures of the items you want them to consider for the show on disk. I want the photo’s to capture the textile color and workmanship. 

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So here is a picture as I was weaving it.weaving adventures 001

I have finished the table runner just a few hours ago. I sewed on 960 beads between the two ends. Tomorrow I will wet finish and hard press just in time to give it to my Niece on her birthday Saturday! I hope she likes it!

Okay, so I have wet finished and hard pressed the Table runner and here is a couple of picturesadventures in weaving 006

That weird reflection on the table is from the window blinds.

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Thanks Susan for sharing your draft, I hope I did you proud.

Here is a picture I took after I washed the table runner and hung it out to dry…


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You can see how light and airy it is.

Then I got distracted and took some pictures of flowers in the backyard

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Lavender mmmmmm smells so pretty!

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My Mom calls these Garlic plants. Im sure she is right but they don’t smell like garlic. OK BACK TO WORK :)

Here is the table runners new home. My Niece was sweet and put it on her table right away. It matched perfectly and fit the table whew!!!

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  1. I am very interested in seeing how the finished product turns out here. Having seen some of your earlier work, I don't doubt it is going to be beautiful...

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. (Oops, too many spelling errors in that last comment!)

    I see to be very late discovering this post but better late than never!

    Yes, you have done me proud! The runner is absolutely beautiful...

