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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Twill block scarf

While I am planning the Zebra scarf, I decided to weave a twill block scarf I saw in handwoven magazine. I really liked it and I dyed the tencel myself. here is the start of the scarf; 10/2 tencel 24 epi

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these are the colors I am going to use… not in that order!

In real life you can see a difference in the two colors, I swear!

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half way done! I will post finished scarf.



up close and blurry…  sorry!

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I am so good at taking blurry pictures…

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Im happy with the scarf!

1 comment:

  1. This is very impressive. I had no idea you were able to make designs with so much detail and precision. When I first glanced over these photos I assumed they were stock photos of how the design was supposed to look, so the fact that this is an actual photo of you finished product is very very impressive to me. This is amazing!
