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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Half way done with the throw! Still riding my horses everyday!

I have made it through the half way point of the throw and it is looking lovely!

Last week, Tuesday, I had a friend over to teach her how to use her new (very old) sock machine. She did great and caught on way quicker then I did!

I have been riding my horse Sophie everyday now and she is getting really nice to ride. She has been unbroken  for 12 years and I finally feel strong enough to ride her. My friend Chelsea started her for me to make sure she was safe to ride and then I got on and never looked back. I can’t tell you what a thrill this is for me. I have waited so long to ride her. We both where ready! here is her picture.

Sophie and I


this is my Horse Moondance!


And this is my Horse Simon!


IMG_333Sophie and Simon. Sophie is Simons Mom!

This is Moondance and Sophie giving each other a little loving


I know riding horses has nothing to do with weaving, But I thought I would share anyways!


  1. Lovely horses and your throw is beautiful! Can't wait to see the finished product. You look fantastically happy!

  2. My mama said to tell you she is very jealous, as she has always wanted horses and especially loves paints! She has given up on the idea since she knows she will never be able to afford them, but she has me and my other fur- and biped- siblings, and I, at least, am better than any horse! BOL! She also likes your throw and hopes to be able to weave that well one day!

