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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Table Runner’s for Wedding presents!

I finished the four table runners and had enough warp left over to make two night stand placemat things (what do you call those???).  I used 8/2 tencel, white for the warp and 3/2 perle cotton in a cream for the weft. I got this draft from one of my favorite blogs, http://weeverwoman.blogspot.com/ when you get there, click on the Thrums link. You should check out her work! She does such a beautiful job and her attention to detail is amazing. Her blog is so educational and fun to read.
Here are some picture. 
louie 011       louie 010
These are still on the loom, I can’t wait to wet finish. The picture on the left is the corner. I'm going to sew crystal’s in the middle of the four diamond (larger) shapes.
Here are some action shots…
louie 013        louie 014
Notice the  bracelet I have on in the picture… it is suppose to help with balance. I don’t know if it really works, but I have convinced myself that it does. 
Here is a picture of Louie all loaded up. You know the cloth beam is sandpaper… it really irritates my arms, so I cover them with old towels. Besides that, I really like how it keeps my warp straight and helps keep down the draw-in a little bit.
louie 018 
Once I get them all wet finished and put all the purls and crystals on, I will post more pictures.

OK, here is the table runners all wet finished and ready to go!

Louie fun 008 

In the corners I sewed purl-ized (new word for dictionary) crystals, then I sewed glass beads around them.

Louie fun 009 

I am very happy with the way they turned out.


  1. Gosh, thank you for the compliment! I see you have done a lovely job on the wedding runners...
    white on white is my favourite as it throws everything onto the pattern and play of light.


  2. Hi Victoria,
    The link you have in your post brings up a mail/ message box and not the blog. You might want to check and repair that....
    (the mail message address isn't a working address... mine is weeverwoman@yahoo.com
    the blog is at http://weeverwoman.blogspot.com )

  3. So sorry Susan. All fixed now! Lets blame it on the Vertigo hehehehehe!
